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“Let me tell you about the very rich,” wrote F. Scott Fitzgerald. “They are different from you and me.” We usually look at rich people with awe and focus on all of the cool ways that the rich are not like us—the amazing cars they drive, the beautiful clothes they wear, their glamorous vacations on yachts on the French Riviera. But unless you know rich people well, or if you work for them, you probably don’t see all of the ways that wealth makes people weird. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered. We’ve gathered funny and disturbing stories from Reddit users of the strange things that people have seen wealthy friends and employers do.

Only the Best for My Dog
I can see where this lady is coming from. If you truly love your dog as though it is your own child, as some people do, I can see wanting to give them the best things in life, including fancy bottled water. I mean, I don’t think it makes any sense and that it’s a terrible use of money, but I can at least see where the urge would come from.

But, I mean, has this woman ever seen what a dog gets into? I will bet you several shiny quarters that when her back is turned, that dog is lapping at mud puddles, drinking out of the toilet, and eating its own poop. So any attempt at making sure what goes into your dog is of high quality is doomed to failure.