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Being confident is good, it can help you get in places in life and stand your ground, but there’s such a thing as overconfidence. We’ve all been there before – speaking with confidence about a subject that we don’t know enough about, making fun of others while we’re in the wrong, or using Disney movies as references of truth. If you’re not an expert in a certain field, or you’re not completely sure you know what you’re talking about, it’s better not to say anything. No one likes arrogant people, and even worse than arrogant people are arrogant people who don’t really know what they’re talking about. Unfortunately for these people, they were overconfident on social media, and now their mistakes are captured forever on the internet realm.

Princess Diana Was Two Men?
We’ve evolved as a society, and people these days are referring to themselves in plural form as “we” – because they feel that’s the most appropriate term for themselves. However, that’s not the case here. In this case, they are talking about two Princes – Prince Harry, and Prince William.

How this person failed to see that is beyond us. We all make mistakes, but when those mistakes are pointed out for us, we should take a moment and reconsider what we’ve said. Is it possible we’re in the wrong? In this case, this person couldn’t understand his mistake and kept insisting on his argument, which only made things worse for him.